Effective as of August 24, 2021
All content on my site "feastwithsafiya" is the copyrighted material created and owned by Safiya S. I’ve worked very hard to produce it.
This website, including all recipes, images, videos, text, software, and other content is the property of FeastwithSafiya by Safiya and is protected by the United States and international copyright laws. All rights reserved.
Recipe Use
You may not republish my recipe(s). I don’t allow other websites or publications to publish my recipes. I want feastwithsafiya.com to remain the exclusive source for my recipes. Again, my recipes are copyrighted material and may not be published elsewhere.
Reposting and Linking
You have my permission to use a link to my Website, "FeastwithSafiya.com" from your website if it is in good faith with a mandatory link back to the post on my Website where it originated. You are NOT permitted to repost or use any photographic or video content without written permission from FeastwithSafiya.
I do not allow re-posting an entire recipe, using photos without permission, or presenting any of my content as your own. Any distribution of content from FeastwithSafiya beyond what is described herein constitutes copyright infringement.
Using my photo to promote something else: You must request permission beforehand. I do not allow my photos to be used as clip art/stock images unless we’ve negotiated compensation and licensing details.
You may view and print any content displayed on FeastwithSafiya.com for personal, non-commercial use, provided that all copyright and attribution notices remain intact. You agree not to reproduce, publish, transmit, distribute, sell, license, modify, or create derivative content from this Website or any part of it, without prior written consent from Safiya.
Newsletter Offerings
You agree that you are not allowed to modify, distribute, sell, share, republish, or create derivative content from any information provided to you without express consent from FeastwithSafiya.
You may have the opportunity to download eBooks or other digital products from my Website or newsletter. If you decide to do this, I grant you a limited, non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable license to use the product(s).
Content Syndication
I don’t allow my recipes or posts to be syndicated. No exceptions.
Thank you for your understanding. There is no need to contact me for confirmation of the permissions presented on this page. For questions that are not answered above, email me at feast@feastwithsafiya.com